Sunday, December 6, 2009

Which community college in New York is the best in finance major or engineering?

Hi, a friend of mine in Singapore wants to come to New York and attend a college here. He wants to attend a community college first then transfer to a good university such as NYU, Columbia, Cornel. Which community college should he attend in New York? he is interested in finance and engineering majors. In other words, which community college is affiliated with good universitys so that credits earned in the college are transferable to the university.

Which community college in New York is the best in finance major or engineering?myspace commentes

If he attends a community college first, he should be able to transfer into a public university -- but it is HIGHLY unlikely that he would be able to transfer into a top private university like Cornell, Columbia or NYU.

Let me repeat this -- it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY.

Tell him not to come to the US in order to go to a community college.

A community with little or no change is called a __.??? succession, climax community.....????

A community with little or no change is called a _______________.


climax community



A community with little or no change is called a __.??? succession, climax community.....????how to view private myspace

It is continuance. Climax is the point where a community levels off, but therefore had to change to get there.

A community with little or no change is called a __.??? succession, climax community.....????girls myspace myspace.comThe right answer to the question: a community with little or no chang is called a CLIMAX COMMUNITY. Report It

Hmmm...succession and progression suggest change.

It's either climax community or continuance.
Climax Community

If Community Service is such a "good thing"... why do so many courts use it as part of a p

I, personally, think Community Service is wonderful. BUT, someone should be able to volunteer to do someothing for their community by choice. It is used as a "requirement" for certain things, like the Honor Society at my son's school... then it is used as a punishment for other things. (ie. You shoplifted... so go do 100 hours of Community Service!)

Shouldn't it be one or the other? For the love of doing good for others... or for punishment. Maybe there can be two names?

If Community Service is such a "good thing"... why do so many courts use it as part of a punishment?hack myspace

It's part of "paying a debt to society" as well. Not all law breakers get CS, it's usually limited to those having committed less serious crimes in the hope that they'll see the error of their ways.

As far as a punishment, I suppose you could call it that, but in these cases, I believe it's a worthwhile one. Frankly, I believe all teens should be required to serve 2 years of public service or the Military/National Guard.

Oh, call one community penance and the other, community service

If Community Service is such a "good thing"... why do so many courts use it as part of a punishment?fake myspace

Free Labor for the city.
It is to show people the value of doing good for their community, rather than bad.

Also, people who get sentenced to community service often end up picking up trash off the side of the highway or some other unsavory task.

Volunteer groups usually do more fun or interesting tasks such as helping elderly rehab their homes or cleaning up a neighborhood park.

Also- if you are already predisposed to doing community service it is a positive experience for you.

If you are a criminal or deviant, you probably would look at the hard work involved as a chore, not a positive impact on your community, which makes it feel like more of a punishment.
Some people don't like to communtiy service. It is a good thing and a good way for the city to get cleaned up.
Community service is just a service done to the community, whether it is required or not. Being required for Honor Society has people doing it just as grudgingly as someone who got it for getting a minor in consumption and is avoiding jail time, but it still does the same thing, serves the community, regardless of WHY. Community service in Honor Society is favored upon because it is teaching people to be resposible citizens and to take pride in their community, so how come it is frowned upon when the SAME lesson is attempted to be given to people who have made an error in judgement, whether it be one or many?
Making criminals do community service is a way of making someone who has done something bad, give something back to the community.

Like, if someone spray paints an overpass and they get 200hrs community service. They have to spend that 200hrs cleaning up, and making up for what they did.

I think it's required in school, to try and teach teenagers not to be selfish.(Not saying all teens are, I'm only 19 myself)
Community service judgements are a win-win situation for the charity, which is always in need of help; and, the offender, who needs to understand society's goals better.
I think that it is used as a punishment because typically the people who get it as a punishment aren't and never have been involved in positive things such as community service so the people who give the punishments think that if they get involved in doing community service, that it could help them turn over a positive outlook and start making positive changes in their life. However, parents should start getting their kids involved in community service at an early age so that they have lesser chances of getting into drugs and other trouble when they're older which would also mean the service would not be a punishment to them.
it is wonderful but not enough people volinteer so our goverment forces them to

Need help with wording.... Ballroom vs. community room..?

We are having the reception at a community room which is called Kings Grant Community Room, it's a very nice formal looking place even though it's a community room. The cater showed us invites and they call it the Kings Grant Ballroom on Lake James. I don't really like the wording for "community room" since it implies more of a causal setting and our wedding is very formal. But calling it a Ballroom is also a bit of a stretch. I don't think people will know what I am taking about if I call the fancy community room a ballroom. Anyone have a suggestion on how I could word this place to be a little more formal but not jumping to "ballroom" status?

This is the link if you want to actually see it-

Need help with wording.... Ballroom vs. community room..?www myspaces com

Community Room does have a summer camp sound to it. I like the suggestion of Banquet Hall, though.

Need help with wording.... Ballroom vs. community room..?best myspace

What about Kings Grant Hall? or Lounge?
Reception will follow at Kings Grant HALL.

Good luck

Ps/ Nice place btw
I'd stick to "community" room sinc that's what its called - but you could say "Kings Grant Community Ballroom" or "Kings Grant Community Room on Lake James" to fancy it up
Just call it King's Hall, people will know where your talking about and its got a nice simple elegant ring to it.
Kings Grant Reception Room.
You could just call it Kings Grant Riverview Room. It has no indication of formality, and it let's guests know which room you're talking about.
You can go with ballroom, community room, hall, or just Kings Grant. But really, you need to go back to this location and see what the signs say. You'll look silly if you say "ballroom" or "hall", and the sign says in big letters, "community room."

Also, I think "Kings Grant Community Room" is just fine. I don't think it sounds any lower class, especially if people you are inviting already know what the place is called.
You really don't really have to specify the name of the room. Why don't you just put Kings Grant Inn, Kings Grant Resort, something of that sort.
Go with Kings Grant on Lake James. Link didn't work.
I looked at your venue and it looks very nice. I would word refer to it as "Kings Grant on Lake James". Once all your guests arrive, you can have someone (hostess, greeter, or usher) direct guests to the community room.
I would just call it the Kings Grant Room, since it's not quite a ballroom, but certainly way above what most consider a community room.

Golf community, retirement summer house, I'm 50, but everyone is 65 something. I still feel 38.

Great quiet community. I'm not going to pull out Jimi Hendrix, or acid winer's. Who really know's? But this is how it is. I'm healthy, very selective with the people I have around me, ( mostly great golfer's), but good people who some are retired young, some who make millions. I am extremely diversified with this world, but yet the community is extremely 65ish, and caucasion. I've already been cultimated, a word a made up for extreme diversity. Can I pleasantly have a party, without them? I am in a condo, ranch upstairs, the people below me are 67 and 93, but are very active. I want to be able to have little get togethers with friends, and associates, maybe, 30-40 people in the warm monthes, I will surely ask them to participate for a barbeque, or summer food fun thing, but do I need to ask the entire community? They wave at me when they look up at my windows, (they like the way I decorate). Am I being rude? Most of these individuals are 70 plus? My deck is on the 2nd flr?

Golf community, retirement summer house, I'm 50, but everyone is 65 something. I still feel 38. Can I partycelebrity myspace

This is a tough question. You should likely refer to your association handbook as it will/may have guidelines for activities such as you wish to stage. If what your rules state nothing, then you may need to meet with your association and discuss it. I am sure you are/were a professional (or a lottery winner) and know how to conduct yourself properly, but you may wish to invite some of your older neighbors out of respect and courtesy, which they are due by living proximally to you. Your immediate neighbors who live under you MUST be extended an invitation (or at least a polite warning) to this occasion. You likely do not need to include the entire community (they probably won't fit anyway) but the people who might be affected by your little soiree should at least have the opportunity, or knowledge, to have a say since it will affect THEIR evening. Common sense, put on their shoes and think about what they may want, and why they chose to live there. BTW, a little Hendrix won't hurt them...

Golf community, retirement summer house, I'm 50, but everyone is 65 something. I still feel 38. Can I partymyspace quizzes myspace.comNorth carolina golf community %26amp; nc golf course profiles and listings here at Report It

Good community tropical fish? 400l tank?

I have a large 400l planted tank and am looking at the following community

2 x angelfish

10 x adult guppies

15 x neon tetras

2 or 3 clown loaches

2 x otos catfish

1 x siamese fighting fish

would this combination work in theory? thanks

Good community tropical fish? 400l tank?private myspace

yes that would be great but there is only three problems that i see.

1- For the Siamese fighting fish ( Betta) only put it in if it is a female do to the fact that some of your fish have flowing fins and the Betta will attack.

2- for the clown loaches, for them to feel secure especially in a big tank you have to have for or more( the more the better). I know that also from experience i had a 55 gallon with two clowns that were very sluggish but once i put two more in they formed a school and are very happy.

3- if your angelfish is not a pair you should try to stay away from getting two. The rule for angelfish is to get one, or more than 3.

good luck!

Good community tropical fish? 400l tank?myspace surveys

400 liters equals 105 gallons.

With the ammount of fish you have as the stock, it sounds fine. As for the betta and angelfish or anything long fins dispute. A 105 gallon tank is ALOT of room for any fish to get away from each other. I would actually add more ottos, and neons. If you have male and female guppies, expect them to breed like wildfire. And the angelfish will eat any they can get, so they would be limiting how many in the tank.

Other than that, it seems fine.

I would add more otos possibly about 6 more they like to be in numbers....

The loaches will need 75 gallons or more which you have at least, they get to be about 16 inches so I don't know if you are looking for 2-3 fish that will get that size...

In my opinion I would just take them out...
Otos do not do well in a new tank as they need a well-established tank to provide enough algae for them to eat. I'd wait for at least six months and some algae growth before you consider adding those.

Angelfish love to eat neons tetras, and they will eat any smaller fish, so most people do not recommend trying to keep neons with angelfish.

Having that much space to play with sounds like fun! Angelfish get quite large, so you may want to shoot for larger sized livebearers, like swords instead of the smaller (bite-sized) guppies.

Since you have the space and you like the angels, you might want to consider going a little bigger with the other fish. How about some German Blue Rams or other Dwarf Cichlids?

This is a great video showing Blue Rams as well as lots of other fish in a larger planted tank. It'll give you some great ideas, plus you can contact the fishkeeper who put the video up to get any help that you need.

Enjoy your tank! Wish I had room for a tank that large!

GED, community college, and transfer question?

Hi. I'm seventeen years old right now, and there are a lot of different reasons (which I won't go into) which make me want to drop out of high school and get my GED.

I'm in Texas right now, and I'm a junior in high school. My grades aren't great. I've heard some people saying that if you pass your GED and go to community college for a year, you can transfer to a 4 year public or private school pretty easily (as long as your GPA in in community college is good).

I want to know if this is true? Could I drop out of high school now or later in the year, take my GED test, go to community college for a year, and assuming I make good grades, get into a good four year school without them even looking at my high school grades or seeing that I took my GED and putting me in the low admissions pile because of this?

I don't really want "Maybe" or "I think" answers. I'd love some from experienced people or those who have links to admissions.

GED, community college, and transfer question?myspace codes

This is true. Most Universities require you to have atleast 30 college credits in order for them not to take your H.S grades into consideration. Thats about 1 years worth of classes, even though 30 is the minimum, your chances improve if you have atleast 60 credits which is two years.

Thailand community service?

would a 6 weeks community service program in a hospital in Thailand look really impressive for med school? I will also be living with a host family, making new friends, and will become involved in community life while learning about the local culture. I can earn up to 105 hours of community service credit. what do you guys think?

Thailand community service?myspace layouts

I believe that any type of community service is life changing and rewarding at the same time. Do this for the right reasons...not only how it will look to Med School. Do it from the will have the experience of a lifetime.

Thailand community service?codes for myspace

If it is not a matter of cost, go for it. Not only will you learn about your interest, but how individuals in another culture lives, this type of experience is invaluable.

Transgender community?

I was watching Entertainment Tonight and it had a segment about the TG community. I thought of this question, as well as a few others about what happens to the left over body parts, etc. Questions: In this community, if a man becomes a woman, does he now date other women that have always been women (if so, does that make "her" a lesbian even though "she" used to be a he) or does "she" now date men that were always men or does "she" date women who are now men? Hope none of you get insulted by this question but I really just wondered. I'm not trying to poke fun at anyone because I seriously want to know and don't know any one of the transgender community personally.

Transgender community?myspaces-com

Darn labels! To clarify things I guess I have to use them.

They are as varied in sexual orientation as the rest of us.

Some become new women and are are attracted to women thus the relationship is a lesbian relationship.

Some new women are attracted to men thereby the relationship is a heterosexual one.

Some new women are attracted to new men thereby the relationship is viewed heterosexual

Some new men are attracted to women thereby the relationship is heterosexual

Some new men are attracted to men thereby the relationship is gay.

Some are even bisexual, polymory, pansexual or asexual.

Like I said, just like the rest of us.

Transgender community?music myspace

There's a community out there??? Where are you guys? I feel so alone!

My take on your question:

After a sex change, you're not suddenly a man or a woman. You've matched your body up to what you are on the inside. You also don't suddenly change your dating habits. You still date people who accept you as a person and do not judge, be that men, women, other transgendered people, little people, amputees, ect ect. Your sexual orientation doesn't change either.

Hope that helps.

the Tg ex man who is turned to a woman dates men.

They don't have a pussy but they get ****** in the ***.

For further questions, my mail is
Well there's not that much of a TG community. I mean there are support groups and such, but people tend to disappear as soon as they get through transition. There's just not really much to bind trans people together.

That said, I don't find the question itself insulting, but the thing of putting "she" in quotes is a little rude. Doesn't seem like you intended it that way, I'm just pointing it out to be informative.

As for the body of the question, people start living full time as their target sex long before they ever get surgery, and generally speaking dating habits don't change much. Sexual orientation is really something entirely separate from gender identity. So yes there are transsexual women who date men, and there are some who date women, and there are some who date other transgender people. (I don't have any numbers on it, but being a transsexual I've seen quite a few TG people who meet via support groups and what not and end up dating, I think a major reason for this is just that in a lot of ways it's easier given that you don't risk being dumped solely for being trans)

edit: oh to address the "left over body parts" thing, generally any tissue that isn't used for something else is simply discarded as I understand it. (I believe incinerators are typically used, but I'm not certain, perhaps someone with a hospital management background could clarify on that point).
I don't think I can add anything that no_einstein didn't already say!

Transpeople have desires just as diverse as any non-trans person's varied sexual orientations; they can be gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, asexual, autosexual, whatever.

I've seen men transition to become lesbians, women transition to become gay men, men transition to become straight women, women transition to become straight men. I've seen a heterosexual couple made up of a woman who used to be a man and a man who used to be a woman. I've seen lesbian couples where both women used to be men, and gay male couples where both guys used to be women. Transpeople find non-trans partners all the time, too.

Really, it's just amazingly diverse. There are no rules.

Hope that helps!

P.S.- I'm curious as to what your question is regarding 'left over body parts'!
It's a good question; I actually date transwomen and the subject comes up quite a bit. The distinction we have to make is between sexual orientation (to whom you are attracted) and gender identity (who you are). A MTF that is attracted to men is a heterosexual woman. Mind you, not many people subscribe to this concept; I have been around transwomen so long I fail to seen the need to qualify MTF's as "transexual women" instead of just saying "women". A MTF attracted to women is a lesbian. You can do the math for FTM's.
I always get very concerned at the number of post op MTF Transexuals who claim to be lesbians. Most of those I have come across were never TS at all, and have issues following surgery. Many think that everything will be perfect as soon as they change sex, but never realise you still carry all your problems with you except one.

I have only ever met one or two post op TS lesbians who I believe have been genuine. Most are just trying to take a fetish to it's extreme.

Before everyone starts attacking me, I'll just let you know, I'm post-op and have a wonderful husband.

Should I choose community college or university?

My community college is offering a scholarship where they pay for absolutely everything! tuition,fees and books, i dont have to pay a dime! but i cant help feeling like i want to go to the university i was accepted to, i feel like im missing out on the college life. if i still take classes at the college and leave after a year the scholarship is taken away and i have to pay back the money, at the university my tuition will still be paid for but not my room and board or fees, what should i do? should i not go to community and wait till spring semester or take courses at the community college, pay back the $1,000 and then transfer off to the university? community college starts august 20th!

Should I choose community college or university?

Ok Ash, this is my suggestion..I would personally recomend going to a community college and then transferring to a university once you obtain your A.A. The college experience will still be there in a couple of years but a community college allows you to "figure out" what you want to do with yourself. For example, I jumped right into the university setting and felt pressured and obligated to do so since i was young and somewhat immature to the reality of life. This immaturity overlapped into my university years and I found myself in academic trouble because of my desire to socialize. PLUS, community college classes are alot easier and will allow you to hone your skills before you enter the university. THEN, you will carry your inflated GPA into the university and ultimately be able to graduate and possibly pursue graduate school with a higher gpa....its up to you...of course...from experience, I would have chosen community college as it gives you the time to mature as a student and person while still pursuing academic endeavors...put it this way, if you truly already knew that the university was for you, you wouldnt have posted this question,,,,if you are unsure about this, there are probably more uncertainties within you that need to be resolved......

Should I choose community college or university?band myspace

Go to a four year school - it has actual college life, and that is one major point for going to college. Ask yourself why they want you to come for free - is it for you or is it for them to be able to brag on the quality students they have?
I have done both and I will tell you that I had a better experience at University. I did 2 years at a community college and it felt like high school grade 13. University is a much better environment for learning if you ask me. For some reason I felt compelled to learn and study at University, where at community college I was staring at the clock for the "10 minute rule" to kick in because the teacher was late and that means you can leave class.

Even if you have to pay for your room and board fees... those usually aren't too bad, plus if you get a loan (which hopefully you started applying for them already) you won't have to pay on them until you finish your schooling.
Well I'm going to a community college to get my associates. Maybe you could just get your associates, and than transfer for your bachelors. It's up to you, don't base your decision on money. If you know you can eventually repay the univeristy bills, go for it. Community college is a great option for someone like me, who is flat broke. Lol.
if i were in your position, i would study hard using the scholarship for the community college. don't feel that you would be missing out on "college life". college is about education, and that should be your priority. do so well that you might be eligible for scholarship this time to a bachelor's degree in the university of your choice. by then, who knows, your priorities might change. a scholarship is always something to be proud of. it would also look good in your resume.

of course the final decision is yours. weigh the pros and cons. remember that whatever you decide will play a huge part in building your future. Good luck!
Well, that happened to me too. And I accepted with no regret. I started in a CC and passed all my classes without pay a dime. While some other of my high school classmate went throught the "joy" of getting loans to pay their first and second year. Now I've transfered to a 4 year university where i'm enjoying the college life away from home. It was a wise decision...however it is up to you and what you want...

Are Community Police Officers allowed to use more 'reasonable force' than public?

When I tried to protect myself, my family and property against a gang, I was threatened with arrest if I touched them. But a Community Police Officer is allowed to use reasonable force to protect someone. Do they have special training that makes it okay for them to use this reasonable force without being arrested? When I asked the Community Police Officers for help when I was being attacked by the gang, they did nothing. Could this be because the gang was Black as were the Community Police Officers? Or were they just too scared?

Are Community Police Officers allowed to use more 'reasonable force' than public? blog

No. this is a complete fallacy and indicative of the complete confusion around the defence of "reasonable force" to an assault charge.

Police officers, PCSO's, Bouncers, security guards, etc. have no more power to use reasonable force than anybody else.

Police Officers have more powers of arrest than other citizens - and arrest is signified in practice by laying hands on a person (technically a battery).

What most people understand as an assault, is actually (letter of the law) a battery. An assault is committed when you cause somebody to fear imediate personal violence (so in a fight where both parties think they will win and do not fear the other, no assault is technically committed - just lots of battery!), but violent offences are catergorised as types of "assault".

Regardless of your reason, as soon as you lay hands on somebody where they do not consent for you to do so, you commit an assault and battery. For an assault causing injury that amounts to an aBH - or more serious injury - you may be arrested.

Defences (such as reasonable force being used in self defence) are used in court - or in actual practice by the CPS before they decide if it's worth taking to court. The offence has still been committed, but you may have a legitimate defence which means you will not be convicted in court.

"Reasonable force" is such force as is reasonable in the individual circumstance - which is why it appears that police officers have extra powers, such as using handcuffs and pepper spray, but use of these has to be justified for the circumstance.

Certain actions are not legitimate uses of "reasonable force" per se. For example, if somebody attacks you with a knife and you believe they are trying to kill you, it could be seen as a reasonable use of force if you pick up a chair and hit them with it to prevent the attack. However, if somebody knock into you and says, "watch it", picking up a chair and smashing them over the head with it would not be considered reasonable.

So to come to your particular problem, if a gang of people are trying to harm your family or damage your property, it is a reasonable use of force to push them away with such force as is neccessary to stop them from carrying out the attack. If you do hit, push, kick them, though, you are technically assaulting them and may be arrested. Then it's down to the courts to decide if the force you employed was reasonable in the circumstances.

If the system worked as it is intended to, it would be, therefore, better to tleave the fighting to the professionals (the police) when you are attacked. They, too are subject to only using reasonable force, but are trained in how to best judge and justify this in each situation.

Back in the real world, get yourself a couple of "witnesses" who are willing to swear blind that the yobs attacked you and slap the ringleader hard when he's not expecting it... Not exactly legal, but effective.

Are Community Police Officers allowed to use more 'reasonable force' than public?unblock myspace

"But a Community Police Officer is allowed to use reasonable force to protect someone"

You answered your own question.
Theyre no more than uniformed Grasses.

New Labour......... Closet Commies.
I don't think they have the power to arrest and indeed most people are wondering quite what they are for. I would rather the money that was spent on them go to regular forces.
It was the same when the little boy drowned recently, they aren't trained.

Total waste of money.
where do you live that you do not have the right to protect yourself? you should move if that is the case.
You need to report this to the Internal Affairs Division of the local police department,NOT the Community police. If Internal Affairs doen't do anything,take it to the District Attorney. If they don't do anything,take your case to the State Attorney General's office and report it to them.
When you were threatened with arrest, it was probably because the cops felt safer threatening you than dealing with the gang. I saw a pair of CPO's recently in Maidstone, threatening and abusing some grammar school pupils and obviously enjoying the feeling of power it gave them. However I don't think they have any more rights than any other member of the public. The tossers' uniform means nothing.
Glorified traffic wardens without the power to give parking tickets.

Chocolate T pot comes to mind.
PCSOs as they are called entered onto the British Scene with a Fanfare that was well-intentioned but cleverly or stupidly Flawed. I think the force should be disbanded and used in a role that is more meaningful . Many of these PCSOs look weak and are not streetwise by training or experience.Yes their physical attributes are below standard when compared to Police.I do not doubt they are good individuals ,but that alone does not qualify them for the Role they are expected to play .They are always too scared to intervene with the violent lawless. It is the law abiding that they enjoy talking tough to.I do not think a Trained Police officer would have any sort of Faith with a PCSO allocated to watching his back -when needed. The quicker The Met Realise that these people could be re-assigned to tasks they Can do- the better for all.
They are cheap labour and no, they don't have any more powers than an ordinary citizen.

What Community/Junior colleges are near Berkeley and Cal Poly SLO.?

After much deliberation I have decided to co To a community/junior college before jumping into the 4 year schools because it is a lot cheaper. I don't want to stay at home though, I want to enjoy the college experience, so I thought to at least move out and go to college near one of the 4 years I would like to go to.

I want to know if there are ones near those that also have a college life. Obviously it won't mirror the 4 year, but the towns and cities near will still have all the student life and such.

i've also heard there is a specific one for SLO that has a lot of transfer rates. Also heard something about something about how some places work closely with their community colleges to prepare transfers.

Any advice on this and just going to community college in general would be very helpful.

What Community/Junior colleges are near Berkeley and Cal Poly SLO.? widgets

I don't know how easy it is to transfer or anything. But by Cal Poly SLO there's Cuesta College which is the community college of San Luis Obispo. Might want to check it out if you're thinking about transferring into Cal Poly.

here's the link to it's website:

ORKUT community help.?

I want to poen a community in orkut about English language.

Like introducing new words to improve others' vocab.

Words which could prove effective in writing good English.

Words which we hear often but don't know their exact meaning.

Like diff. between egoist and egotist person.

What name wld u suggest for the community.

and what more things should I include there to make the community happening .

Serious answers plz........

ORKUT community help.?fun

What about "learn better n live better"??

I've my two communties there would u like to visit??


Good luck!

ORKUT community help.?cool myspace myspace.comyeah thats me!! Report It

Which community should I go to in Santa Barabara County for wine tasting?

There are several areas with vinyards and wineries in SB....a couple i can think of are solvang, and los olivos..and there are several more areas/communities. I know that there are several wineries/vinyards in each community.

From all of the communities that you know of..which do you recommend?

Please Don't just list websites, I want your opinion based on experience.

Which community should I go to in Santa Barabara County for wine tasting?maps

Solvang and Los Olivos are both quite different. Los Olivos is more posh and boutique-y, with a kind of haute country flair. Solvang is touristy/cheesy but fun, with windmills, fudge shops, teddy bear shops, etc.. Both of them have plenty of wine shops for tastings, and you can get a map of the nearby vineyards. The towns are about 6 miles away from each other. The vineyards are spread out all over the place between and around the two towns.

Our favorite weekend itinerary is to stay in Solvang, spend the first day walking around to the wine tasting rooms in town, have abelskivers (a local snack specialty), and have dinner at The Hitching Post (as seen in Sideways - very yummy food - try the grilled artichokes). A no driving day.

Then on the second day, go over to Los Olivos for lunch at the Los Olivos Cafe and more wine tasting, and visit a couple of the vineyards while we're out and about.

Which community should I go to in Santa Barabara County for wine tasting?myspace graphics

Two of my favorites: Firestone and Cambria on the Foxen Canyon Trail, SB

Yummy! Have fun!
los olivos is my favorite
Los Olivios is a town as well as Solvang and they both have several tasting rooms with various wineries represented which you can go to. I find it more enjoyable to go directly to the wineries as I believe you wish to do. In either city you can pick up a map of the area wineries. My suggestion if you are staying in Santa Barbara is to drive the 154 to the wineries and stop at Cold Springs Tavern for breakfast. It is an old log cabin from about 1865 ??? something. An old stage coach stop actually on Stagecoach Rd. off the 154. then head north and stop at Gainey Wineries then onto Sunstone which is all organic. They both open at 10:00am on weekends then into Solvang stop and enjoy the town. Must get Danish at Olsen's Danish Bakery while your there. Rideau is another favorite winery for that region. Depending on how many days you have you can go further north to the Paso Robles/San Luis Obispo area which is even better.
I had a great winetasting experience in Solvang. There were a couple of vineyards on the drive there that we stopped at too. We took the road by Lake Cachuma from Santa Barbera. In Solvang there was a cool shop that let us taste pickles and olives..yum!

Race and your community?

I need some help hopefully someone can give me some ideas for my final paper in one of my classes. No i am not looking for anyone to do my homework just for some ideas its about Race in the community I havent lived in the U.S. long enought to know much about racism here.

Here is whats asked for

Prepare a 1,400- to 1,750-word autobiographical research paper that analyzes the

influences of race as it relates to your community. In your paper, write your first-person

account of how human interactions in your community have been racialized. For the

community, you can consider relations within your neighborhood, local government,

service groups, clubs, schools, workplace, or any environment of which you are a part.

Once again I am just looking for some ideas I can write my own paper.

Thanks for those who help me with this.

Race and your community? picture

First, make it easy on yourself and pick one of those subcategories that you are most familiar with.

If you work, do it on work.

If not, do it on school.

If it is on work, you could examine the diversity of employees and maybe their views of social interactions at work - does their ethnicity hinder their performance? language barrier? discrimination? is there an engineer from Bosnia that is working as a dishwasher? do other workers view other races as less intelligent? less capable?

If you do school - are there any organizations/clubs that directly represent diverse cultures? is race talked about in classes, or is it side saddled? do different races hang out in different spots?

Whatever place you decide to start, put yourself into it. Express your own views and feelings. In addition, conduct a couple personal interviews - with various races. Be sure to include both sides of the issue so that your paper doesn't appear racist.

Good luck to you!

Race and your community?layouts for myspace

As the paper is both autobiographical and your experience in the U.S. (and by extension, your community) is limited, perhaps you could take one or two experiences that you have witnessed and expand them into a more general exposition related to similar experiences elsewhere.
I would ask your teacher if you can write the paper as it relates to your native country and community.

If your teacher is a hard nose and says no, you can still do the assignment, it will just take more research.

A good place to start is on Type in their search engine "jenna 6", "noose", "racial profiling", and "hate crime". Be sure to read a balanced sampling, so you get a fair representation from the different viewpoints.

Then, compile a list of topics you would like to discuss, and find news articles, and look on Wikipedia. Use the references on Wikipedia (at the bottom of each page), to get more information.

Having this information might allow you to form an opinion on racism as it relates to the U.S.

I know your assignment is to study the subject as it relates to your local community. So, this information will also give some talking points when interviewing and discussing the subject with people in your local area.

Good luck.

Tuition cost of community college?

What is the cost of tuition at you local community college? Or the average cost of all community colleges.

I need to know so if you can find out the cost of you local community college and show answer WITH THE LINK of the cost then you get BEST ANSWER.




Tuition cost of community college?funny videos myspace

5K/ year in my area if full time.

Tuition cost of community college?myspace commentes

Total tuition will depend on the number of credits and lab fees you incur. Mine is about $2400 per semester. Can't get this link to transfer right so go to:
Normally, all community colleges (private and public) from what I have learned are under $ 10,000 dollars. There are really good and cheap community colleges in Massachusetts. Go to www. and type in community colleges in massachsetts. That will give you a list of all the community colleges and their web addresses. You just go to their websites and it will tell you how much it costs to go to that certain school. GOOD LUCK!
Central Texas College is very affordable for TX residents (less than $600 for 12 credits)
You can get the tuition cost for almost every community college in the US at .

Here's a direct link to the tuition cost of Santa Rosa Junior College and Santa Monica City College:

For Santa Rosa Junior College the tuition is:


For Santa Monica City College the tuition is:


Best of luck!

Which community of winereis should I go to in Santa Barabara County?

There are several areas with vinyards and wineries in SB....a couple i can think of are solvang, and los olivos..and there are several more areas/communities. I know that there are several wineries/vinyards in each community.

From all of the communities that you know of..which do you recommend?

Please Don't just list websites, I want your opinion based on experience.

Which community of winereis should I go to in Santa Barabara County?myspace jokes

if you don't mind a bit of a drive, go north to Santa Maria and visit Cambria. The best pinot noir and chardonnay. I have heard of Lucas %26amp; Lewellen in Los Alamos, but never been. My company prints their labels. Byron %26amp; Io are former mondavi wineries, now owned by the same company as Cambria.

I actually prefer wine tasting further north in San Luis Obispo County if I had to pick. Mostly Paso Robles area. they do some fantastic zinfandel in that area and of the my favorites are from Wild Horse, J. Lohr, Edna Valley, Laetitia, RAbbit Ridge.

Good luck!

Which community of winereis should I go to in Santa Barabara County?how to view private myspace

visit them all. great way to get drunk for free.

About Community Colleges?

Im new here in US, at home we don't have community colleges but now that we're here, my mum wants me to go to a community college first and there i'll start my college years here in US..

I really don't have much idea about this CC thing coz back in our country, after highschool i attended a year in a university...

IN short, i just wanna know the pros and cons about studying in a community college...

About Community Colleges? music

Pros: Community colleges are MUCH cheaper. You can complete your core education there and focus on your major elsewhere. You can complete an associate's degree which is, at least, one degree.

Cons: You have to transfer to another college if you want a bachelor's degree. Sometimes, not all of the classes and credits you took at the community college transfer to your new college.

Some other issues: Some people look down on community colleges and call them "the high school after high school." They also believe that the teachers are not as high quality as teachers at a four-year college.

I can tell you that both of those are misconceptions. As a graduate of a community college, I felt like I was treated exactly the same at both my two-year and my four-year colleges. The education I received was definitely high quality.

As an instructor at a community college, I can also tell you that many of the instructors at a community college are part-time or adjunct instructors. Adjuncts teach at many colleges including four-year institutions. The education adjuncts provide at four-year schools and two-year schools is often the same.

I could give you more information, but I don't want to monopolize the space here. Please feel free to e-mail if you have more questions.

About Community Colleges?www myspaces com

It is a good thing to go to CC because it is less expensive and you can get as good of an education as you can at a university. You will see more adults there also...
Pros: smaller atmosphere, smaller class-size, closer to home (live at-home), often less-expensive, good transition to university.

Cons: not the "university experience" (commuter campus,) living at home when you're 20, for some it is an uncomfortable transition - the high school friends have moved away and hard to establish frienships at community college.
Community colleges generally only offer 2 year degrees (associates degrees). After 2 years you will probably have to transfer to a four year college or university to finish your bachelors degree. A lot of people do this. Community colleges are usually cheaper and have a reputation for having easier classes. This is a really good way to start college if you are only interested in getting a degree. If you are interested in the social aspect of college and getting the whole "college experience" (Fraternities/Soroities, clubs, sports, leadership etc.) then you should go to a four year school first because they have so much more to offer you.
It's good to go to a CC because it's cheap and the classes are much easier. But the bad thing is, if you want to transfer to a university, you may or may not be able to depending on the # of slots open and your grades. Or your classes may not transfer credit.

*cheaper tuition for a lot of the same classes (here, usually the majority of your first couple of years [depending on how many hours you take] is spent taking basic "core" classes. you can take these classes at a community college, and the tuition and fees are usually FAR cheaper than a university.) %26lt;~~ Just make sure the classes you are taking WILL transfer to the university you plan to transfer to.

*Smaller classrooms. For most core classes in larger universities, there are a TON of students in the class because everyone needs those same core classes. At most community college,it's a smaller setting. This means more one-on-one time %26amp; face time with the professor.


*I went to a CC %26amp; the main downside that I can think of is that I got an Associate's Degree from there. At the university I go to, you can only transfer 66 credits from a community college, and that's the exact number I transferred. That means that now I can't take summer classes at the CC for cheaper than the summer school courses at my university %26amp; transfer them because I already transferred my max #. But if you already know what you're majoring in (i didn't until my last semester of CC), you can get a lot of classes towards your major out of the way for cheaper. Again, just make sure you check into what classes will transfer to the university.

Your community. what is the worst thing, money has been wasted on your community.?

it seems money been given to community groups is being wasted.should IF it has been wasted on things the community did not want, what can we do about it

Your community. what is the worst thing, money has been wasted on your community.?myspace.comgraphics

huge outragiously big public buildings when the old one was fine!! the fact that the public are not even consulted on the decision and on the rare occasions they are!! language like 'you are invited to be a part of this by coming allong and giving us input'. how condisending is that ....particularly! when the decission to build it has allready gon ahead, your money has been spent. and most of the deals done! have been done in private with all councilors licking the top off the cream.

Your community. what is the worst thing, money has been wasted on your community.?celebrity myspace

Over one million to build the new fancy looking police station - I've been there twice now %26amp; theres never any actual policemen/women in the building - they have to call them in from other places.

Complete waste of money.
In RI too much money is wasted on social programs.
the border fence
The "Napoli" They have removed 2/3 of it but the rest is still in our bay.
become more involved in community groups etc in the area so you can have a say on how local money is spent ,also your local district assembly meeting will allow you to attend were community funding is allocated
illegal aliens
The most wast of money that has been and is being spent is to pay any wages to the f.....g politician and not being held responsible for the waste of public money on all the subject listed above. Think it over it is a new way of thinking.
i agree with PATRICK.M we do not get a say no matter how many meetings we attend. the councillors and community groups have it all sewn up. in our area the councillor who ownes the decorating firm got the decorating job for the new community centre.
Nothing, we can't get our community leaders to pay for porta johns at little league games and instead had to get private donations. They have this aversion to spending which is in many ways both nice and frustrating.
The worst thing money is wasted on is the Councillors and their allowances and expenses. They are only there to line their own pockets and those of their friends, not to represent the electorate.

What community service programs are available through your church?

I attend a Seventh-day Adventist church in my City. The city is one of the largest urban cities in America. The need to offer Community Service is great.

Our Church has an open food pantry ministry. Their are several throughout the city. We serve over 100 people weekly and we also host a special Christmas dinner for residents every year. This is a very large event. The church also gives out toys, clothes, and Fruit baskets during the holidays.

What are ways your church is actively involve in meeting some of the needs in your community.

Open to new ideas and approaches to reaching the community with the message of Christ love.

What community service programs are available through your church?myspace bulletins

Obviously, what is needful in one community is not in another.

The Crystal Cathedral in CA has as its mission statement, "Find a need and fill it; find a hurt and heal it"

Perhaps you can identify a need among widowed men who didn't learn to cook. A "men's cooking group", might not only teaches the simple basics of using microwave (the easiest for our guys) but also produce a common casserole for them to divide up and take home.

Everyone has some problem to deal with. Whether it be because of disease, economics, age, pain, education or relationships. Take an anonymous survey in your congregation /or/ community asking, "What one problem in your life would you like help with?"

What community service programs are available through your church?private myspace

The church I am a member at does have a food pantry and we give out lots of food weekly we also have a clothing closet that is opened on Saturday's and Wednesday's we also go to the local shelters once a month to volunteer and help feed them. this last Friday we had a food give away. The Church bought five hundred dollars worth of food from the food bank and then gave it all away to people in the community. We also have appliances Church members donate when they buy new and we give them away. We also do our best to help people that need emergency help with bills. Sometimes the money doesn't go that far. We also have many outreach programs for people that are addicts to different things. We are in essence trying to show Gods love through our actions. As the song goes (They will know we are Christians by our love)
Food pantry (serving 50 to 75 families monthly) also clothes and books. Note: passing out books and magazines at food bank seems to go over well.

Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Brownies, Girl Scouts

Preschool, daycare

Farmers market (approx 3 months per year)


Grief workshops

Kindermusic Programs

Mothers Day Out

Plus various short term mission projects like:

Angel Tree

Habitat for Humanity

Week long mission trips

Work days at halfway house and local camp for underprivileged

Plus visitation and care for the elderly and shut-in members of the congregation.

We are only a small congregation with about 150 average worship attendance so we don't do as many things as a big church.

Has community work anything to learn of from history?

Do you think mainly females are community workers? What do men do to help in the Community? Has anything been learnt in the 21st century to do with Community Work.

? are there any Sociologists, or trainees that understand this question?

Has community work anything to learn of from history?myspace comments

I think there are more females than males, simply bex#cause men are most often working full time and women have more spare time if they are bringing up kids (when kids are at school);

Private Community Disabled Parking Laws?

I rent in a private community where HOA laws rule. This community has renters, and disabled renters. The HOA says they do not have to follow the rules For Americans with Disabilities Act, because they are a private community. I have requested a disabled parking spot, and they said "NO". Do I have any rights?

Private Community Disabled Parking Laws?new myspace

While the HOA does not have to follow the ADA rules, they can not discriminate against you.

You can argue that by not allowing you to get to your door in a safe and efficient manner because of your disability is constructive discrimination.

Tough case in court, but with the right approach you will get your spot.

Go to your local legal aid clinic and ask them to draft up a letter, which gets sent to the HOA, your City/County Councilor, your State Rep, and your Congressional Rep. Send a copy to the local paper/tv station and you will have the spot within a couple months.

Private Community Disabled Parking Laws?myspace layouts

i believe you do have right---let them know you're contacting your attorney or just put up your own sign.
Try calling the county atty/Zoning board.
Depends on:

- reasons for denying your request,

- whether you applied to the correct authority, and

- what appeal procedures are available when requests like yours are denied.
Tell them they haven't read quite all of the law relating to diabled access:

The Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq., prohibits discrimination by direct providers of housing, such as landlords and real estate companies as well as other entities, such as municipalities, banks or other lending institutions and homeowners insurance companies whose discriminatory practices make housing unavailable to persons because of:

race or color , religion , sex , national origin , familial status, or DISABILITY!

The penalties for failure to comply are substantial including payment of your legal fees if you need an attorney to enforce the law.

Go to:

or just do a Yahoo Search for Fair Housing Act.
They're full of it.

The ADA applies to all "places of public accommodation". Since members of the public can rent or buy apartments / houses / condos, the community is a "place of public accommodation" under the law, and the ADA applies.

Tell the HOA manager that he has only two choices. He can comply with the ADA voluntarily as it applies to a disabled parking spot, or he can end up paying lawyers fees - his AND yours - and still having to comply. The HOA may also be fined for non-compliance if he chooses to go that route.

Generally speaking, the HOA is correct. However, there are a lot of exceptions to this general statement. See a lawyer and be prepared to discuss the size of the complex, whether there is professional management, who your landlord is, and a whole lot of other facts that are necessary to determine whether you have any right to a disabled parking spot.

EDIT - an apartment building meeting certain age and size requirements clearly has a responsibility to provide disabled parking as "public" accommodations. An HOA, which is an organization of private residential owners not holding themselves out to the public as a business, and not in the rental business, operates under different rules. See that lawyer. One who is familiar with HOA law.
having just reviewed ADA, it does not seem to cover your case directly. ADA is about employment and public transportation, not about access to private property in a non-commercial setting.

follow cian's advice ... make a stink ... not just one tv/newspaper, every tv newspaper in the area. every elected official.

btw, there may be other areas of law that cover this situation -- housing acts, for example, which are likely state or local laws.

many communities of disabled persons have already addressed these issues in their area and have both answers and will happily help you fight for reasonable accomodation.

Adult community vocational school or community college?

for electronics? Both are regionally accredited. The vocational school is closer and costs less than the community college. The vocational school only offers a certificate while community college offers an A.S.

Adult community vocational school or community college?i love new york myspace

Well, do you just want to be certified or are you interested in eventually going on? I would ask someone in the field such as a union if there is a difference to what you would make.......

You might be better off with the vocational school and then doing an apprenticeship.

California Community College Student, Wanting To Move Out? How? Help.?

I'm a community college student, still having 3 entire semesters still to go. I've been having problems living still here at home with my mom and dad and wish to move out.

School is still a top concern, and living here at home is badly affecting my grades.

I'm looking for a plausible, realistic solution that I can apply to continue attending Community College here in California, while not living here at home with my parents anymore. Trust me, I can't continue living here.

The only things that need to be applied are:

I must continue attending Community College, in California.

...And obviously a way (most likely job) to generate income to be able to live on my own...or with a roommate.

Suggestions of any kind are greatly appreaciated, as this is a growing concern and a big problem.

California Community College Student, Wanting To Move Out? How? Help.?different myspace

This is actually pretty simple.

As a state resident, you are automatically accepted to almost every CC in the state. There are a few, like Santa Barbara City College, that have an apllication process. However, you have lots and lots to choose from,

So, where do you have friends or aunts and uncles or anyone that you know? Call them. Ask if they would like to rent out a room. Someone will say yes. Then go and IMMEDIATELY get a job, any job. Now you have some money, you won't be rich but you'll be away from your house.

Then go to the local CC and apply for a "Guaranteed Student Loan". This will give you 120% or the cost of the tuition, enough to pay for tuition and extras. Then apply for a scholarship. They have them for grades, athletics, and financial need. Sometimes you can work at the school and receive money and free tuition. Also check into the "rent-a-book" program so that you won't have to buy them.

Lastly, ask your relatives for some help to pay for your tuition. Ask them to write a check directly to the school so that they know you won't be using it for something other than college.

I hope this helps.


New community moderation, waht is your opinion?

If this is it working I AM NOT IMPRESSED

Hello Doctor John

You have posted content to Yahoo! Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. As a result, your content has been deleted. Community Guidelines help to keep Yahoo! Answers a safe and useful community, so we appreciate your consideration of its rules.

Question: So under the new guidelines if you mention YA in a question you receive an automatic violation?

Question Details:

2007-09-09 05:52:21Additional

had seven violations today

2007-09-09 06:27:40Additional

READ the staff answer by saying that i might be being targeted, yahoo are admitting that they don't investigate reports!

If you feel this content was removed in error, please contact Customer Care and tell us why.


Yahoo! Customer Care

New community moderation, waht is your opinion?school myspace

I hope it works. As a victim of a suspended account I hope it works.

New community moderation, waht is your opinion?

ooooh, you poor thing - I do like a rebel, though - it's kinda sexy!
I think it's a whole lot better.
i think it works XD
Couldn't agree more. See my question just posted.


Anybody ever got points back after a violation notice?


Thanks for writing to Yahoo! UKIE Customer Care.

We have reviewed your request and have restored your points on Yahoo! Answers. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Please let me know if I can help you further.



Customer Care Abuse Team - Yahoo! UK %26amp; Ireland

Shame they didn't answer my question!

Further to my earlier e-mail, it would be interesting to understand your decision making process in relation to this violation notice as it is obviously flawed. I would therefore be grateful for an explanation of it.
I have heard of don't fix what's not broken, How do broken what's not fixed.
Sorry Doc, I've been laughing for 5 minutes...I've gotten a facsimile of that very same letter more times than I care to remember, AND for no reason except that someone felt like pressing that good old 'report abuse' button--fraudulently.

Ha,ha...7 in one day--you beat me, the most I got in one day was 3. Did you contact Customer Care, and tell them why your content was removed in error?

Seriously, sorry it happened--but it's happened to all of us--even before the changes. See ya!
sounds like the open season for the troll patrol.these P.C articles should explain their reasons not hide.

What type of community service/civic action can i do that relates to animal testing?

I am a senior in Washington and part of my graduation requirements is to do a senior culminating project, what i have to do for the project is to choose an issue, research that issue and stuff, and do 15 hours of community service that relates to the topic and do a presentation of what I did and what i learned and stuff.

So what kind of community service can i do that would make a impact on the community? The only thing that i could think of was to go to middle schools and stuff around the community and educate them about cruelty of animal testing.

Someone please help me!!


What type of community service/civic action can i do that relates to animal testing?myspace songs

Oh, simply select at least 20 households with or without animals. Then try to observe the behavior of the animals toward their masters or the behavior of the families toward their pets for at least a week or 2. Since you are busy with your studies, try to observe them every weekend.

I hope this is easier and will be the best thing you can do.

Have a nice day and hope you will enjoy this project.


Which community guideline does this violate?

You have posted content to Yahoo! Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. As a result, your content has been deleted. Community Guidelines help to keep Yahoo! Answers a safe and useful community, so we appreciate your consideration of its rules.

Deleted Question: How can we allow Nancy Pelosi to remain in the United States let alone be our Speaker?

Question Details:

If you feel this content was removed in error, please contact Customer Care and tell us why.


Yahoo! Customer Care

This is a service email related to your use of Yahoo! Answers. To learn more about Yahoo!\'s use of personal information, including the use of web beacons in HTML-based email, please read our Privacy Policy. Yahoo! Answers is located at 701 First Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94089.

Copyright ? 2007 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Terms of Service.

Which community guideline does this violate?top 10 myspace

It doesn't violate the rules. You just got deleted by several little cry babies that didn't like the question.

Liberals CLAIM they are for free speech but in reality, they are only for THEIR free speech. Your right to free speech is limited to what they want to allow you to say.

Added: I just got a violation notice for the following:

Question: Liberalism is_________. What is the first thing that comes to mind?

Deleted Answer: a mental disorder.

Liberalism is a mental disorder is the title of a book! How is it a violation of the terms of service?

Some whiny "liberals" reported it and had the answer deleted. It just proves my point. They are all for free speech as long as it is what they want to hear.

Which community guideline does this violate? widgets

it doesnt' violate anything. report it as a mistake.
i have no idea. sounds like an open opinion to me!
Probably falls under "offensive content", but can't be sure withotu seeing the full question.

Keep in mind that YA doesn't actually read the deleted questions, they just go by the number of violation reports they get.
Interesting. I don't see any of the Far left lunatics getting their "We shud imPeach BuSh, who agrz wit me?!!11?" questions banned. Yahoo leans left? Who knew?
Here are a few examples of what we consider chatting:

How (are you, old are you, was your day, is everyone today)?

What are you/What am I (doing, thinking of, wearing, etc.)?

Guess my/Can you guess my/What's your (name, age, sex, weight, birthday, location, etc.)?


Yahoo! Answers isn't a soapbox to vent personal frustrations or rant about issues. We are a community of people with diverse beliefs, opinions, and backgrounds, so please be respectful and keep hateful and incendiary comments off Yahoo! Answers
I don't particularly like what you're asking, however, I don't see why it should have been removed.

Some a*hole trying to mess with you.
I posted asking what my violation was too a while back. I got an answer that was helpful. I got my points back after following these steps:

Once you get turned down on your appeal through the link in the email (and you will), go to STEP 2: post your concerns to this forum:

where they are attempting to post a response (to the forum) within several days and to send such things for reconsideration. Points HAVE been returned, as reported on here:;...

I got a violation overturned just a few weeks ago, myself.
It doesn't but the guidelines seem to be that if someone doesn't like your question or answer that they can report it and it is deleted. There doesn't have to be an actual violation. Contacting customer service will only give you an automated response that will send you to another forum where you can register your complaint but again there won't be any response.
I don't see anything wrong with it. I received a message this am in my email for a violation for my answer lol. I did complain and tell them if this is a site where people come to ask questions or give comments on different topics AND NOT BE ABUSIVE then those who can't accept that fact that everyone doesn't see everything the same way, should not come on. They need to investigate before they put someone in violation. Good Luck.
While I have to agree that Nancy Pelosi is just a violation - the question doesn't violate any policy. Wow.
I love it when you try to appeal it an you get a busted link.

total crap
Do an experiment... criticize a republican in the exact same manner (or as similar as possible, given there is no Repub speaker of the house) and see if the liberals at yahoo revoke this question. I suspect that they will NOT.

Yahoo after all rats out Chinese dissidents with democratic ideals to their tyrannical government, knowing that these people will be shot in the back of the head or imprisoned for decades...
The answer to your current question is:

This e-mail is generated automatically based on persons clicking "report it". You may or may not have violated a community guideline or term of service. They do not check before sending the e-mail.

The answers to your original questions are:

1. We cannot deport or expel her because she is a citizen. We cannot extradite her because no foreign nation wishes to prosecute her for any crime. Therefore, there is no legal way to force her to leave.

2. She is not "our" speaker. She is the Speaker of the House of Representatives only. Each person in the House of Representatives represents their district's residents. These 435 elected persons select the speaker. For historically reasons, the Constitution does not allow the country as a whole to select the speaker directly. However, you do have the right to vote for a candidate for House of Representatives who runs on a platform of removing her. If a sufficient number of such persons win, she will be replaced. This last occured in 1998, when a Republican Speaker resigned after many Republicans lost their re-election campaigns, because of the voters in their districts opposed the impeachment of Clinton.
It would appear to me that several people simply disagreed with your question, and reported it. When enough people report a question, it gets removed.

The only thing I can see is that there's really no real answer to your question, only opinions -- but depending upon the category this shouldn't have been a problem.

I would appeal this violation, it doesn't appear to me that you breached any Community Guidelines, but this is only my personal opinion.
In your reply ask them which rule you broke.

Creative Community Service Project??

My club, the muslim student association, is in this competition in which one of the categories is Community Service.

Theme: The Puzzle of Diversity: Piecing Together a Vibrant Community

So, basically, the community service has to somehow bring the muslims and nonmuslims together, races together, neighbors together, etc.

So im not really looking for specific projects per say, more like ideas that maybe we could use and combine with others.

Although, if you do have specific projects, please share.

Thanks =]

Creative Community Service Project??myspace generators

Since religion is an important factor...maybe something having to do with a local church or religious group. You could do like that dinner thing where people from differerent faiths come together for a night and openly discuss their faith and answer questions for the other faith present. OR basically anything having to do with check out local anti-racism organizations (just type it in google), anything about bringing different cultures together for the same cause.

Creative Community Service Project??fun

Family Fun Walk, Tree planting, Build a small park for the kids in a neighborhood.
Painting out graphiti or picking up garbage helps everyone who drives through the neighborhood -- regardless of their background.

Giving all children a shot at a better education.

Education is universal. If more people are educated, they will begin to see one another's similarities, rather than focus on the differences.
Peace March

Show Unity with Non Muslims

Speak against those who abuse the Koran IE terrorists.

Unite with Non Muslims

Share the Table- share Mid East cuisine with Non Muslims

Clean the city Day

Tour the Mosque Day

Video this for

Send Video to Glenn

Recognize Bhutto in event

Honor honest Muslims nationwide

Unite Muslims %26amp; Non Muslims.

Be real

Have a Trip to Dubai UAE???

Show Dubai UAE Video.

Belly dancers???

I urge these:

Peace Table Dinner

Peace March

Peace Rally

Denounce Terrorisim Day

Tour the Mosque for Non Muslims.

Live @ local Muslim home?

Read Koran in English %26amp; Muslims read the Bible or Torah.

Thats Unity

Get it on Video %26amp; Make some News

Godspeed %26amp; Good luck

To Allah The Praise. college vs state/university?

I heard from someone that if you start out in community college and get financial aid for going there, that when you transfer to a state or university, they won't offer you financial aid anymore. Is that true?

My aunt told me that her brother went to community college and recieved aid. Later, he transferred to a university, and was denied aid.

This is worrying me because I wanted to start out in community college and then transfer to a state college. college vs state/university?plain myspace

That is absolutely untrue. Period.

In fact, it is a smart idea to get your lower-division general education done at a community college where the cost is much cheaper than a university, then transfer to the university for courses that cannot be completed at a community college. You could save so much money this way!

Each year you file a FAFSA, your eligibility for federal aid is determined based on the information on your FAFSA and your academic progress. My guess is that your uncle may have been denied aid based on his lack of academic progress, which has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he transferred from a CC to a university.

So long as you maintain your eligibility for federal aid (maintain satisfactory academic progress, do not go into repayment of aid received by dropping out, etc.) then your eligiblity will continue through until you obtain your Bachelor's degree. Please, do not be discouraged by hearsay from uninformed family members--I work in financial aid and hear about students getting wrong information from friends and family all the time!

If you have any further questions regarding financial aid, please speak with a financial aid counselor at your college to ensure you are getting the correct information.

Good luck! college vs state/university?maps

The FAFSA determines basic eligibility each year. The school has the responsibility of allocating its aid, after the Pell Grant is determined. Most schools have non-Federal resources that also can be awarded or offered as loans. The school has deadlines in order to make timely decisions about the type and amount of aid they can award. Someone and your aunt are totally wrong in their assumptions. Your aunt's brother might have been denied aid but it would have nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with going to a community college first.
FASFA is strictly based on need by what you income tax was for the previous year. I have never heard that you will not get it if you go higher than the community college. I get tuition exemption and still qualify for the fasfa pell grant. There are alot of government grants that you can apply for so don't worry. If you are planning to support yourself it is best that it not be based on parents income or you can be denied. You need at least a part time job and file your own taxes unless you parents are paying for your tuition. Oh and it is always best to apply as soon as you file your tax return that way the earlier you can get it in the better chances of getting it are from the college they set how much you get the FASFA just says yes they can get it.
ditto what they said.

Need community building ideas for an online young adult spiritual community (Unitarian Universalist)


I am on the Steering Committee for the Church of the Younger Fellowship, a Unitarian Universalist online congregation for young adults aged 18-35. I am working on trying to build a greater sense of community in our congregation and increase discussions and general interaction, all of which can be quite low. It can also be difficult to get members to volunteer to help with this process, which is not something which can only be done by a small group.

Any suggestions on how we might increase member interaction and create a sense of community? We have discussion boards, a religious library, groups which can be used for educational and social purposes, blogs, and news sections, as well as an area to share joys and concerns which is the most popular section. Participations in discussions and groups tend to be quite low, especially.


Need community building ideas for an online young adult spiritual community (Unitarian Universalist)?myspace text

I think one of the biggest things you can do is what you've done here. Get the word out. I wasn't even aware of its existence. Particularly, I think you need to alert the local congregations. This is something they can pass on to their youth who are college bound.

Need community building ideas for an online young adult spiritual community (Unitarian Universalist)? picture

Have you poked through the archives of the UUA mailing lists? They would have fewer responses but be much more focused. I belong to Websters, for web keepers. They must have one or six for young adults and those who minister to them.

Where is the African American Community (ref. Imus)?

If there is an African American Community, then surely there is a white community around, that I am not aware of.

I have lived in a Salt-n-Pepper city all of my life. The thought of seperate communities never occured to me until this "Imus Issue" in the media. The local news mentioned something about the African American Community.

So what exactly is the African American Community? A fancy title to get the black people together and make a point to be seperate from the "others", yet when it is convient for themselves, they want to be an equal part of everyone else?

Sounds like a double standard, if that is the case.

Where is the African American Community (ref. Imus)?view myspace

Well being a minority there is an African American community... just like there is a Latin Community, Islamic Community.... and so on... the White Community is basically the American Government which is the majority here in the US... looking at history.. these " Communities" have to be formed so that we as people are protected from agencies, media, law officials, social groups, and so on....maybe if people were all treated fairly than it would be the way it is... but when you have injustices that constantly occur then you do have to have groups to help voice a specific group.

Question to you... do you question when you see the news and they talk about the "Gay Community" Is that in your salt and pepper world? I'm not trying to be funny, and I'm not gay, but I'm just wondering what prompted you to ask such a question.

Where is the African American Community (ref. Imus)?funny videos myspace myspace.comNo prob bud... im tired of the Imus crap too.... thats all they talk about at work, but I tell them it was cheap shot, and it was wrong. Report It

Trouble deciding between a community college or vocational school?

I'm interested in being a Medical Assistant. I'm frustrated with the community college because they only offer an associates degree- not necessary for working as a CMA. I found a for-profit vocational school that offers a diploma in the course.

CMAs don't make much money at all. I feel that taking a degree program would waste time. There may be a waiting list for the community college's program. However the community college has 100% job placement. I became a CNA through the community college, so I'm familiar with it.

Here is the community college website:

My concerns with the vocational school are that it will be expensive. (The cost is NOT listed on their site) Also that training ill not be as good. However I know it will be quicker.

Here is the vocational school's website:

Any suggestions or advice?

Trouble deciding between a community college or vocational school?myspace names

Honestly, I would go for the community college. Private technical schools typically do not have much of a need based college scholarship fund, so you could have a lot in student loans once you have completed the diploma. Another thing to consider is if you already have a diploma for the CNA training that you might not even get the Pell Grant because the Pell Grant only covers one item at each level. Unless you have an employer with a generous tuition reimbursement program, your best choice is the community college even though it takes longer.

Trouble deciding between a community college or vocational school? pets

I went to a Vocational School for their Medical Office Assistant course which was said to be the "fast track" to a career. What a joke!!! The staff is unqualified and they rush you through lessons because you're supposed to graduate in 1 year or less. I never even learned how to take blood pressure!! The Vocational schools are privately owned franchises and as such, they can make their own rules and charge what they like. You'd be surprised how much cheaper you can take the courses for at a community college. Also, when you go and apply for jobs after, they look at your vocational degree/certificate and laugh! Employers have told me that that degree is the equivalent of a piece of trash. I should have saved my $11,000 and gone to community college. I had to learn the hard way and now i'm stuck working a dead end job to make loan payments!
I'm not sure about schools in NC but, in OK your professors or instructor has to be at least an RN. I didn't notice at Brookstone but at gtcc the instructor didn't have anything behind her name. Which tells me she is not an RN.

Also, why don't you look at becoming an LVN/LPN it should take that same amount of time and you will make more money. Then, once your an LPN you can go on to become an RN. This way you will always have a job plus make money!


RMouser CM,BA
There are some excellent vocational schools out there. The advantage of a vocational school is you are not required to take as many general ed courses as you would be at a community college. Having to take a history class does not help you as a medical assistant. The other advantage is because you are in school for less time you increase your earning power more quickly.

So if it takes you 3 years at a community college during those 3 years you would make minimum wage or a little more. If you completed your MA program in less than a year, you have an extra 2 years of your life that has a greater earning potential which offsets the cost of the school.

Find a accedited college. I looked at the Brookstone website and it is poor. Find one that has a catalog posted on line and you will be able to compare the costs and program outline (hours, what degree you would leave with, etc.).

Here is the accediation link:

I find it hard to believe that the community college has 100% placement. No school can have 100% placement. Some students change their mind, get pregant therefore don't work, or interview poorly.

I am not against community colleges and for many it is the right way to go. Just giving some pro's to the vocational school for your desired employement.

Another thing you need to find out about a school is how many of the students pass the CMA exam on the first attempt. That will tell you a lot about the quality of the education a student receives.

Many employers prefer MA students from a vocational school because they stay more up to date on what is happening in the field.

Can you suggest an active 55+ community in/near PDX, OR similar to Summerplace (club house, communit

My parents (82 and 80) are looking to relocate to an active 55+ community near Portland, Oregon. They are very healthy for their ages, and see an in-built community. We visited Summerplace and it is close-to-perfect. They also liked SalemTowne, but it's a bit distant. I am hopeful that other active retirees and folks familiar with these communities can suggest others in the Portland metro area.

Some criteria:

* Established community. They like having an established, lived-in looking community, with a well established network of folks who like to interact socially. Brand new communities without that "we've been here for 20 years and love our neighbors!!" feel won't work for them.

* Club house with a pool, pickleball courts, etc. They love socializing and are both active. A central club house with lots of resident-driven events, clubs and activities make them happy.

* Future choices. They have realized that they may need help as they get older, like assisted living.

Can you suggest an active 55+ community in/near PDX, OR similar to Summerplace (club house, community, etc.)?live com

Go to

Can you suggest an active 55+ community in/near PDX, OR similar to Summerplace (club house, community, etc.)? music

This is just a suggestion, however, for their ages it could be a viable solution.

Have they given any consideration to a Continuum Of Care community. These communities have everything from Independent Living to making arrangements for the final disposition of your remains. This would take care of everything that they desire and what their bodies are going to need.

While they are able, they plan their own activities or may choose to become active in a group or many groups. They have an apartment and social contacts. They do their own shopping, driving, laundry and every other thing they wish to do independently. And then when the necessity for help presents itself, it's there for them. This also includes a private Skilled Nursing Facility if the need arises. It's "whole life" care and certainly takes a huge amount of burden off of the children. It's a safe place for elders to live out their lives in active pursuits.

Buy-In isn't cheap, however, it is comparable with buying a home in a 55+ community, and with prices for these homes as high as they are, it could be less expensive leaving more disposable income for their activities.

I have no idea if communities of this type are available in the Portland area, or not. You might want to talk to an office of the Agency on Aging in the area for some support on this question and a 55+ community.

I, personally, am very picky, however, would not have a problem with a community like this.

What makes any type of community is important?

the types of community i'm thinking of are for example, family. a family is a community, and so is a group of friends. now yes, the neighborhood is a community, and so is a city and even this country. but i was thinking.....what makes communities important?

i know all communities have to have a common goal, and sense of their certain type of discipline. i would even go as far as being loved or a good sense of trust....but what i'm talking about is...why do we feel like we need to be part of something, such as a community?

What makes any type of community is important?premade myspace

you ask a question and proceed to answer it yourself........what's up wit dat?!

we all have something to contribute.having a forum in which to contribute and and/or reciprocate is community. the alternative is to be a hermit....yeah? how desirable is that?

Which is the best community college in California?


I am studying in a community college right now, but i am kind of bored with this city and people here.

I'm thinking transfer to a community college in California, which is the place i like the most. So that I would fransfer to my ideal university (UC Berkeley) more easily. (I'm business major)

So my questions are:

Do you know the community college with the highest transfer rate to UC Berkeley?

Is it possible transfer to those Community College from my community college?

Which CC has an certain agreement with UCB's Business major?

Thanks a lot.

Which is the best community college in California?myspace cursors

Colleges that will have a high transfer rate to UCB are generally those that 1) are near the campus or 2) have higher UC transfer rates in general.

High transfer campuses to UCB include Diablo Valley College, City College of SF. Also DeAnza College, Santa Monica, Orange Coast College, etc,

See: for data.

You should know that there are "No Guarantees" for transfer to this school / major from any particular college. If you are planning to study business at UCB, then you need to find a campus that will offer sufficient lower-division preparation coursework. The Business major at this campus is highly selective, and will accept those that are most prepared for this major. This means completing ALL the required coursework prior to your application, and having the highest grades possible.

Most admits to the UCB Haas School of Business hold an average GPA of 3.8+ and have completed all their prerequisite coursework at the time of application. This major also has a supplemental application that must be completed.

Additionally, you should seek out pre-admissions workshops and/or an appointment with their local CC representative. Check the transfer center at the CC you will attend.

You can explore CCC locations at and Check for a list of required coursework from the CC you select to UCB in this major.

Which is the best community college in California? quizzes

Riverside or Crafton in Yacaipa.
Anne Arundel Community College in Maryland.
Riverside is good ... if not the best.

try the below source for a more detailed list.
Diablo Valley College (DVC) in the Bay Area.

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