Sunday, December 6, 2009

Community college vs university?

i cant decide between a community college or a university.

i have heard that it is easier to change from high school to a community college.

i am in honors and ap classes now. (junior) but i cant decide.

i get stressed really easily and i dont deal with it very well. so it is either community colllege or summer semester of university (i heard that if you go to a university straight after high school that it is easier to transfer in the summer b/c less people attend then)

Community college vs university?myspace ip

If you can afford it without eating cat food go to the university. If you can't, go to the community college. But if you go to the university and don't like it beware that your courses probably won't transfer elsewhere.

Community college vs university?myspace co

if money is a concern, i'd say go to community college first and then transfer.

but i think it also depends on how well you "adjust" to a new environment. if you make friends easily and you dont get terribly homesick and you make yourself comfortable quickly, i'd definitely go to a university. thats what i'm doing. hope that helps a little =)
I really don't think the summer semester thing is a good idea. Summer college courses aren't like summer school in high school - they are at least twice as intense as the original college course, because you have to fit the same material in 1/2 or less the time - tests every week, class meets for several hours every day, etc. It's not a good transition to make from high school.

It sounds like you can handle college just fine, so there's no need to go to community college if you really don't want to. You're going to have to learn to handle the stress at some point. If it gets to the point where you can't take an exam without having an anxiety attack, go talk to a counselor - they can help with that.
Don't doubt yourself too much. I go to a high ranked public university and there are sooo many stupid people here, so if you're doing well in honors and ap classes then you should do ok at college. In my opinion, college isn't harder than high school, it's just different. You have to get used to less graded homework. Instead, you're basically graded on a 4 exams for an entire class, or a research paper. I went to a branch of a local university (kinda like community college) my senior year of high school. It was called post-secondary education. Ask your guidance counselor if there's something like that in your state. That way you can take college classes in high school and get used to the feel of university coursework ahead of time. And for me it was all free (a whole YEAR, although you can only take one class if you want), even the books, and the school I'm at now took all of my credits.
Community colleges are the best thing to ever happen to education. Take advantage of the best professors who often retire and teach at small colleges.
I think you should go to a community college. In case, you do not like it, you could get transfer to a university. As far as I know, in a summer semester you need to move at a fast pace. You could get valuable information about community colleges at:

I hope the information is sufficient so as to help you in taking a decision.

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