Sunday, December 6, 2009

Which community guideline does this violate?

You have posted content to Yahoo! Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. As a result, your content has been deleted. Community Guidelines help to keep Yahoo! Answers a safe and useful community, so we appreciate your consideration of its rules.

Deleted Question: How can we allow Nancy Pelosi to remain in the United States let alone be our Speaker?

Question Details:

If you feel this content was removed in error, please contact Customer Care and tell us why.


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Which community guideline does this violate?top 10 myspace

It doesn't violate the rules. You just got deleted by several little cry babies that didn't like the question.

Liberals CLAIM they are for free speech but in reality, they are only for THEIR free speech. Your right to free speech is limited to what they want to allow you to say.

Added: I just got a violation notice for the following:

Question: Liberalism is_________. What is the first thing that comes to mind?

Deleted Answer: a mental disorder.

Liberalism is a mental disorder is the title of a book! How is it a violation of the terms of service?

Some whiny "liberals" reported it and had the answer deleted. It just proves my point. They are all for free speech as long as it is what they want to hear.

Which community guideline does this violate? widgets

it doesnt' violate anything. report it as a mistake.
i have no idea. sounds like an open opinion to me!
Probably falls under "offensive content", but can't be sure withotu seeing the full question.

Keep in mind that YA doesn't actually read the deleted questions, they just go by the number of violation reports they get.
Interesting. I don't see any of the Far left lunatics getting their "We shud imPeach BuSh, who agrz wit me?!!11?" questions banned. Yahoo leans left? Who knew?
Here are a few examples of what we consider chatting:

How (are you, old are you, was your day, is everyone today)?

What are you/What am I (doing, thinking of, wearing, etc.)?

Guess my/Can you guess my/What's your (name, age, sex, weight, birthday, location, etc.)?


Yahoo! Answers isn't a soapbox to vent personal frustrations or rant about issues. We are a community of people with diverse beliefs, opinions, and backgrounds, so please be respectful and keep hateful and incendiary comments off Yahoo! Answers
I don't particularly like what you're asking, however, I don't see why it should have been removed.

Some a*hole trying to mess with you.
I posted asking what my violation was too a while back. I got an answer that was helpful. I got my points back after following these steps:

Once you get turned down on your appeal through the link in the email (and you will), go to STEP 2: post your concerns to this forum:

where they are attempting to post a response (to the forum) within several days and to send such things for reconsideration. Points HAVE been returned, as reported on here:;...

I got a violation overturned just a few weeks ago, myself.
It doesn't but the guidelines seem to be that if someone doesn't like your question or answer that they can report it and it is deleted. There doesn't have to be an actual violation. Contacting customer service will only give you an automated response that will send you to another forum where you can register your complaint but again there won't be any response.
I don't see anything wrong with it. I received a message this am in my email for a violation for my answer lol. I did complain and tell them if this is a site where people come to ask questions or give comments on different topics AND NOT BE ABUSIVE then those who can't accept that fact that everyone doesn't see everything the same way, should not come on. They need to investigate before they put someone in violation. Good Luck.
While I have to agree that Nancy Pelosi is just a violation - the question doesn't violate any policy. Wow.
I love it when you try to appeal it an you get a busted link.

total crap
Do an experiment... criticize a republican in the exact same manner (or as similar as possible, given there is no Repub speaker of the house) and see if the liberals at yahoo revoke this question. I suspect that they will NOT.

Yahoo after all rats out Chinese dissidents with democratic ideals to their tyrannical government, knowing that these people will be shot in the back of the head or imprisoned for decades...
The answer to your current question is:

This e-mail is generated automatically based on persons clicking "report it". You may or may not have violated a community guideline or term of service. They do not check before sending the e-mail.

The answers to your original questions are:

1. We cannot deport or expel her because she is a citizen. We cannot extradite her because no foreign nation wishes to prosecute her for any crime. Therefore, there is no legal way to force her to leave.

2. She is not "our" speaker. She is the Speaker of the House of Representatives only. Each person in the House of Representatives represents their district's residents. These 435 elected persons select the speaker. For historically reasons, the Constitution does not allow the country as a whole to select the speaker directly. However, you do have the right to vote for a candidate for House of Representatives who runs on a platform of removing her. If a sufficient number of such persons win, she will be replaced. This last occured in 1998, when a Republican Speaker resigned after many Republicans lost their re-election campaigns, because of the voters in their districts opposed the impeachment of Clinton.
It would appear to me that several people simply disagreed with your question, and reported it. When enough people report a question, it gets removed.

The only thing I can see is that there's really no real answer to your question, only opinions -- but depending upon the category this shouldn't have been a problem.

I would appeal this violation, it doesn't appear to me that you breached any Community Guidelines, but this is only my personal opinion.
In your reply ask them which rule you broke.

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