Sunday, December 6, 2009

Which is the best community college in California?


I am studying in a community college right now, but i am kind of bored with this city and people here.

I'm thinking transfer to a community college in California, which is the place i like the most. So that I would fransfer to my ideal university (UC Berkeley) more easily. (I'm business major)

So my questions are:

Do you know the community college with the highest transfer rate to UC Berkeley?

Is it possible transfer to those Community College from my community college?

Which CC has an certain agreement with UCB's Business major?

Thanks a lot.

Which is the best community college in California?myspace cursors

Colleges that will have a high transfer rate to UCB are generally those that 1) are near the campus or 2) have higher UC transfer rates in general.

High transfer campuses to UCB include Diablo Valley College, City College of SF. Also DeAnza College, Santa Monica, Orange Coast College, etc,

See: for data.

You should know that there are "No Guarantees" for transfer to this school / major from any particular college. If you are planning to study business at UCB, then you need to find a campus that will offer sufficient lower-division preparation coursework. The Business major at this campus is highly selective, and will accept those that are most prepared for this major. This means completing ALL the required coursework prior to your application, and having the highest grades possible.

Most admits to the UCB Haas School of Business hold an average GPA of 3.8+ and have completed all their prerequisite coursework at the time of application. This major also has a supplemental application that must be completed.

Additionally, you should seek out pre-admissions workshops and/or an appointment with their local CC representative. Check the transfer center at the CC you will attend.

You can explore CCC locations at and Check for a list of required coursework from the CC you select to UCB in this major.

Which is the best community college in California? quizzes

Riverside or Crafton in Yacaipa.
Anne Arundel Community College in Maryland.
Riverside is good ... if not the best.

try the below source for a more detailed list.
Diablo Valley College (DVC) in the Bay Area.

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