Sunday, December 6, 2009

Good community tropical fish? 400l tank?

I have a large 400l planted tank and am looking at the following community

2 x angelfish

10 x adult guppies

15 x neon tetras

2 or 3 clown loaches

2 x otos catfish

1 x siamese fighting fish

would this combination work in theory? thanks

Good community tropical fish? 400l tank?private myspace

yes that would be great but there is only three problems that i see.

1- For the Siamese fighting fish ( Betta) only put it in if it is a female do to the fact that some of your fish have flowing fins and the Betta will attack.

2- for the clown loaches, for them to feel secure especially in a big tank you have to have for or more( the more the better). I know that also from experience i had a 55 gallon with two clowns that were very sluggish but once i put two more in they formed a school and are very happy.

3- if your angelfish is not a pair you should try to stay away from getting two. The rule for angelfish is to get one, or more than 3.

good luck!

Good community tropical fish? 400l tank?myspace surveys

400 liters equals 105 gallons.

With the ammount of fish you have as the stock, it sounds fine. As for the betta and angelfish or anything long fins dispute. A 105 gallon tank is ALOT of room for any fish to get away from each other. I would actually add more ottos, and neons. If you have male and female guppies, expect them to breed like wildfire. And the angelfish will eat any they can get, so they would be limiting how many in the tank.

Other than that, it seems fine.

I would add more otos possibly about 6 more they like to be in numbers....

The loaches will need 75 gallons or more which you have at least, they get to be about 16 inches so I don't know if you are looking for 2-3 fish that will get that size...

In my opinion I would just take them out...
Otos do not do well in a new tank as they need a well-established tank to provide enough algae for them to eat. I'd wait for at least six months and some algae growth before you consider adding those.

Angelfish love to eat neons tetras, and they will eat any smaller fish, so most people do not recommend trying to keep neons with angelfish.

Having that much space to play with sounds like fun! Angelfish get quite large, so you may want to shoot for larger sized livebearers, like swords instead of the smaller (bite-sized) guppies.

Since you have the space and you like the angels, you might want to consider going a little bigger with the other fish. How about some German Blue Rams or other Dwarf Cichlids?

This is a great video showing Blue Rams as well as lots of other fish in a larger planted tank. It'll give you some great ideas, plus you can contact the fishkeeper who put the video up to get any help that you need.

Enjoy your tank! Wish I had room for a tank that large!

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