Sunday, December 6, 2009

Need help with wording.... Ballroom vs. community room..?

We are having the reception at a community room which is called Kings Grant Community Room, it's a very nice formal looking place even though it's a community room. The cater showed us invites and they call it the Kings Grant Ballroom on Lake James. I don't really like the wording for "community room" since it implies more of a causal setting and our wedding is very formal. But calling it a Ballroom is also a bit of a stretch. I don't think people will know what I am taking about if I call the fancy community room a ballroom. Anyone have a suggestion on how I could word this place to be a little more formal but not jumping to "ballroom" status?

This is the link if you want to actually see it-

Need help with wording.... Ballroom vs. community room..?www myspaces com

Community Room does have a summer camp sound to it. I like the suggestion of Banquet Hall, though.

Need help with wording.... Ballroom vs. community room..?best myspace

What about Kings Grant Hall? or Lounge?
Reception will follow at Kings Grant HALL.

Good luck

Ps/ Nice place btw
I'd stick to "community" room sinc that's what its called - but you could say "Kings Grant Community Ballroom" or "Kings Grant Community Room on Lake James" to fancy it up
Just call it King's Hall, people will know where your talking about and its got a nice simple elegant ring to it.
Kings Grant Reception Room.
You could just call it Kings Grant Riverview Room. It has no indication of formality, and it let's guests know which room you're talking about.
You can go with ballroom, community room, hall, or just Kings Grant. But really, you need to go back to this location and see what the signs say. You'll look silly if you say "ballroom" or "hall", and the sign says in big letters, "community room."

Also, I think "Kings Grant Community Room" is just fine. I don't think it sounds any lower class, especially if people you are inviting already know what the place is called.
You really don't really have to specify the name of the room. Why don't you just put Kings Grant Inn, Kings Grant Resort, something of that sort.
Go with Kings Grant on Lake James. Link didn't work.
I looked at your venue and it looks very nice. I would word refer to it as "Kings Grant on Lake James". Once all your guests arrive, you can have someone (hostess, greeter, or usher) direct guests to the community room.
I would just call it the Kings Grant Room, since it's not quite a ballroom, but certainly way above what most consider a community room.

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