Sunday, November 29, 2009

Gated community or not???

Some members of my neighborhood are bringing up the subject of having a gated community. I think this is rediculous. My community is very diverse, low-middle income for the most part, and in the almost 20 years I've lived there I've had no problems with criminal activity. There have been some car thefts and a few break ins but that's it.

A gated community is elitist as far as I'm concerned, a status symbol that is not appropriate for my community. We are certainly not a wealthy group of people. But there are a few people who are adament about this. I think they are crazy. We are not in Beverly Hills. What do you think?

Gated community or not???deleted myspace

We are suppose to be a gated community but there are only 13 houses. We are in an mid to upper level, but am with you, I cannot see any reason for locking our gates.

It would be a pain since we live on a one way street. I certainly approach the other neighbors and see if the majority will rule. But, the neighbors probably have no idea of the unlimited expense it can cause. Not counting the initial cost there is always something that needs to be done and the HOA dues are always high, Maybe they want that to keep others from moving in. It sounds like they have not really thought this thing through.

Once they get the area gated, then they will want new bi-laws and conventants and they will be telling you what kind of wreath (if any) can be hung on your door. It really does mushroom and get out of hand. Then there are special assessments for items that were not planned for. Extra insurance and so much more that apparently aware of. Maybe you will want to make a list of some of the potential problems and let each person see what could happen.

You may want to take the plans to the local or city zoning board to see if can be done. In may cases you cannot. Check your bi-laws and covenants too they may prohibit it. But, do not give up, have them sign a petition against it it you can.

If they cannot prove a reason for it, I doubt the city will approve it.

Gated community or not???myspace names

Don't really know what to say. What are their reasons for wanting to gate the property? Are most of the residents older and fearful? You say crime is not the issue. If there is no real purpose behind it, can't see why they would want to do so other than to 'lend' an aura of elitism, like you said.

However, having said that, I have lived in a gated community once before and found it quite nice. I had a townhome within the city and the gated aspect brought a lot of security and comfort to the residents as you could not enter without the 24 hr security personnel verifying your entrance with the homeowner. The entire property was wrought iron fenced mixed with brick - only one way in and one way out. The properties were higher middle income and smack dab in the middle of the city and though treed and flowered and quite pretty, the gating was to protect residents and their children.

I live in the suburbs now and that is not necessary, yet I see gated communities where I live too in some areas...and our crime way is almost nil. Go figure. Gives folk a sense of being 'privileged' and 'special'??? Dunno

The cost alone is prohibitive in doing this AFTER a community is built.
If I were you I would not write off your neighbors concerns. This country is getting farther and farther from a Norman Rockwell Print.
Perhaps some people want to try to live like the "Joneses" eh? It's hard to deal with them, unless you have enough people like you, to fight it. Good luck.
There are things to consider. I personally disagree, my brother bought a home in a gated community. They have some pretty outrageous rules. It's upper middle class a few minutes from Daytona Beach. You cannot wash your car in the driveway or yard. You cannot even leave a hose coiled up in the yard or against the house when you water your yard. That's just two.
has any one set down a figured out how much it is going to cost to make it secure and what are the estimate yearly cost -- also who is going to pay for this nice secure fort -- when folks have to think about coming up with funding you might see folks run behind the wood work!!!!
I live in a gated community. That does not stop people from breaking into your home. Perhaps it makes you more of a target. When you go gated, you will end up taking care of the streets in your comm.. You, the Assoc. will have to arrange for %26amp; pay for repairs . This could be some big bucks. The same for street light repair. Dues are collected every month can run into some LARGE amounts. If those people want gated tell them to move to a gated community.
I have lived in both, they are elitist, I pre fer not to, however homeowners associations can be a real pain also and the dues can get expensive and ya can't please everyone ever. Bicker, bicker,bicker.

We never had a break in or auto theft anywhere in either place however.
Our town tried to do this also %26amp; we voted it down. We are a lower-middle class family community %26amp; also have no major problems with crime. We mow our lawns %26amp; keep our houses looking nice. If you start that, you have to pay maintenence fees %26amp; answer to a housing committee. I don't want someone to tell me what color to paint my house, how many trees I can plant or to get rid of my dogs. I am respectful of my neighbors, and as long as I'm leaving everyone else alone, I'd like them to leave me alone.
We live in a middle class area of town, in a middle class gated mobile home park, and I like it. :) The gate might not keep out people trying to do harm - but it might make them think it does! :)

*Checking back in to see if it has calmed down in here yet! ;-)
Had a friend that lived in a gated community. Rules, regulations and the cost was horrible and the cost for the people living there was always going up each year. Never understood why the neighborhood just didn't get rid of the gate, they had break ins almost every other month and never caught the culprits. As far as I know the gate is still there. What a waste of money.
I am not in favor of gated communities. The rules are usually silly and there is also a tenant who is over zealous in the keeping of the RULES. The upkeep is outrageous. The meetings are horrible and you can't even do what you want with your own property. Have them check into the costs and the raising costs of community gating.
Depending the total in your neighborhood they will have to vote I'm sure.

Tell them instead of doing this just have the police drive threw more often.

lol are is this what they want to stay out. lol
Maybe they are looking to the future.

Things are going to get really bad.

People are losing their jobs, their homes, and the price of everything is going up so fast! Pretty soon it is going to be a dangerous place to live if you have groceries and a roof over your head.

Those who have to 'do without' are going to come after YOURS.
First thing I wonder is whether these adamant people are new to the community, maybe uninformed about its pleasurable conditions, maybe having moved there to escape less pleasurable conditions they still carry in fear.

I would ask the police to provide the last twenty years of reports for your documentation, to take to the community discussion meeting, to prove your point. To show the low crime proof.

But as far as seeing a gated community as Hollywoodish and elite, I disagree. In neighborhoods less pleasurable than yours, or higher income than yours, they provide relaxation that otherwise could not be achieved.
Why not just have a neighborhood watch . If this has not been mentioned yet I would offer the suggestion . You can talk with your local police department and they will offer the help you need to get this started and it would definately be cheaper than a gated community and would leave money to spend on other things . Another bonus to this is it really does get neighbors working together ...good luck !
First lets define this. A gated community, means there is only one way in and out and gated and maybe a security guard at the front entrance. This keeps out unwanted traffic from the community.

Two -or are you talking about an Association and CC%26amp;R's.

This involves annual dues and an Association who sets the rules for the community in whole. They decide what those rules are and tenants must abide by them or face fines.

They can tell you when you can wash your car, what color to paint your house, what kind of plants you can have and the list goes on. No one is going to tell me what I can not do on or in my property. Or what color my house or what type of plants I can have in my landscaping. How many cars I can have parked in front of my house and so on. Who appointed them King of the World!!!!.

Why not just have a Neighborhood Watch? Contact your local police dept. and discuss with them in having a meeting of how to keep your neighborhood safe. This involves neighboors watching out for people who do not belong in the neighborhood, Reporting to the police if unsavory people are around the area, so they can patrol more offen. Does not cost anything. And leads to a safer community.

Good Luck!!!!

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