Sunday, November 29, 2009

A community for White people?

Now first of all, I'm not a racist, I'm half White(but consider myself White anyway) so please don't play the race card crap.

Since, Black, Latino and Asian people all have their own little community/city in America. I say it's about time that us White folks get a community of our own too, a community where White people can live together as a group and can celebrate White history and learns about all the great things that White people have done through out history. It's my dream and I'm going to make that dream a reality one day.

A community/city for White people, who here with me?

A community for White people?adult myspace

Amen. Everything that white people have accomplished has been turned around to be racist.

If the Indians were still in control of North America, they would still be living in tepees. They had their shot, and didn't progress for thousands of years. The PC bullshit would have you believe that all cultures would have progressed equally. Nonsense!

The Europeans created the Industrial revolution. Match that, any savage culture!

A community for White people?bad girls club myspace.comIdiot Report It

Great. wanna cookie?
Should you try that, you might probably be tossed out on your ear for being only half white.
Go to any rich area in the suburbs in the midwest. I guarantee you 99.9% of the population will be white. Sad, but true.
I am white too, so okay.
You need to seek help, seriously, I'm not being mean but you should see a specialist, because it sounds like you have some self-hatred issues deep down.
Already been done. It's called America!! BTW I'm white too so you can't play the race card here either
What are you talking about? No one has their own little 'community.' Your best bet would be moving to the Netherlands. You will find lots and lots of white people there.
I see your point. But, that would go over like a lead baloon.
Oh really...please inform me...what cities do "we" have to ourselves?
ok racist
Will not happen until the white population is a minority then still doubtful
Um... I dont mean to sound stupid... but isn't the majority of our nation, our public educational curiculum %26amp; our elected representatives on a whole, white?

And what kind of white do you mean? Anglo-saxon, celtic, eastern european?

White can be broken down into many different categories of human beings. If you like categorizing people.

The reason minorities get "their own little communities" is because the nation as whole is majority white %26amp; we've overrun everything except for these little onclaves of cultural individuality.

White Supremacy is bad. It has a negative impact on everyone, even white people.

The concept that everything that comes out of Europe is somehow more superior than everything that comes out of asia, africa or south america is a pervasive disease which has scarred the USA for centuries.

It's about time we get over it %26amp; start acknowledging the great accomplishments of all humans, on a whole... we cont need to break us up into these arbitrary categories of skin color %26amp; what country our parents came from.

We're all from Africa anyways.
you are an idiot.
haha thats hilarious! what good have we done through the history? tell me, im ready to learn. your dream is never going to work, plus you aren't even fully white! are you half black or what? anndddd the only white community that i know actually celebrates their history is the KKK. just join the KKK. HAHA. they even have their own website!
Everything you just said there, sounds so wrong.
You wouldn't be a part of know, since you are only half, that excludes you
It called suburban America, trailer parks and prison.

Get a life....embrace the side of yourself that has self respect.
I don't think I'll be joining. People like you should make your own community far FAR away and you can take Ralph Kramden and them with you too. I'll stay right where I am thank you very much.
As soon as I read "I'm not a racist," then went on to read your ideal society of splitting Whites into a seperate group, I almost spilt my drink laughing on how you contradicted yourself in less than 3 lines of text.
you see this is the sh*t that makes me dislike some white people. Why are you complaining about not having one thing you want when you have everything you need.

Besides if you had your own community what would you do?

Rise up, form an army, try to take over any race that gets in your way and destroy every f*cking thing you touch.

White community??? F*CK NO
how can a non white person believe they are white? You are an idiot. Hitler hated you! You think you are in some club that you are not in!

The self hated is abominable you dont even know the racist are laughing at you! I feel sorry for you.
First of all, who cares? But to be honest, I do get tired of anybody who thinks they ought to benefit because of whatever race they happen to have been born. I don't think non-white races should have their own separate whatever it is, like magazines, or contests, or holidays. If a white person tried to publish a magazine that said it was devoted to the white American, how would that go over? Not good. It isn't that I'm a racist, I am one of those Native Americans whose people got ousted and then lied to so that we'd sell our birthright and end up not being able to benefit when the oil came in from our land. How many of us do you see going around with a special day or anything? People are people and there is no point in trying to argue what race is the best because none of them are the best. They are all the same, but just like people who live in different parts of the country are different, people from different parts of the world are different but not in the basic components that make a human being. Colors are what they are in people for a reason and it is not so that they can hate someone of a different color. This country needs to grow up.

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