Sunday, November 29, 2009

Enviroment/Community Survey for School.?

Hi! I need three people over the age of twenty five to briefly answer these questions..

1.) How long have you lived in your community?

2.) How satisfied are you with the level of safety in your community? [ 1 is very dissatisfied 5 is very satsfied] Reasons for your response?

3.) How satisfied are you with the transporation options in your community? [ 1 is very dissatisfied 5 is very satsfied] Reasons for your response?

4.) How satisfied are you with the quality ofschools in your community? [ 1 is very dissatisfied 5 is very satsfied] Reasons for your response?

Enviroment/Community Survey for School.?love myspace

1. Since 1977.

2. (1). In Hawaii, Graffiti is costing the city and state millions of dollars. If we could solve the graffiti problem, we could afford to pay our teachers and police a decent wage.

Some graffitists have real potential to be great artists, but our schools and our great leaders haven't been able to promote their talents.

What public restrooms on the beach have no graffiti on the outside walls? The Sandy Beach restroom. It has a mural of Duke Kahanamoku.

With this concept, we should have more murals of our local heroes. One for Chad Rowan (Akebono) 鈥?visiting Japanese tourists would put Waimanalo on the map. If we had one for Eddie Aikau, no one would dare graffiti over it. If we had one for Brother Iz, Buffalo, or Sale Atisanoe, the results would be positive.

Our public schools could turn their stairwells into murals of an underground sea cave, a rainforest or volcano of long ago.

If hotels would dedicate elevators to be painted with murals, it would send a positive message to future artists that they can be paid for doing a mural rather than punished for tagging.

The bottom line is my community is slow to change. I told our school board over ten years ago that trained dogs are the only way to stop the contraband from getting into our schools. Only now it's being considered.

3. (1). Our transportation is very sad. Most people don't know Hawaii has a six lane highway and its still not enough. Our pedestrian accidents have gone way up thanks to our traffic engineers one way of thinking. They can't even get a Super Ferry sailing between the islands and it is going to cost us taxpayers more than 40 million dollars.

4. (5) The schools in this area are tops because of the great community support. The Pearl City High School Marching Band was the top band in the nation several years ago. They were the first and only band since to have the honor of leading the 107th Tournament of Roses Parade in January 1, 1996 in Pasadena, California.

Enviroment/Community Survey for School.?myspace co uk

1) One year

2) 3 - crime is increasing due to lack of funding and muddled combination of city and county police force (Indianapolis).

3) 2 - compared to my former city (Chicago, lived there for 15 years) there really isn't a viable public transportation option unless you live in a very limited area of the city.

4) 3 - combination of the vacuous "No Child Left Behind" which rates on how well people score on tests vs. actual learning, reduction in funding, and reduction in actual number of students has local school system completely befuddled.

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