Sunday, November 29, 2009

Community service club? HELP!!!!?

I am required to do community service for school, but in the process of completing my hours, have realized that I have a passion for community service. I am in a public high school. I would like to form a community service club at my school. Do you have any suggestions on how to get started, or ideas on what services we could do?

Community service club? HELP!!!!?famous myspace

Kiwanis International has a high school version called Key Club. This is a community service/leadership development organization designed specifically for high school students.

Most clubs are sponsored by a local Kiwanis Club. You can find out more at

Community service club? HELP!!!!?wwe myspace

Check into starting the YES program at your school. It stands for Youth Expanding Services. We had it at my high school and it was a great way for the students to get involved.
We had a Pay it Forward club at my school-based on the movie (which I haven't seen...for shame, I know) But basically the idea is that if one person helps 3 people, and they each help 3 people, and so on the world will be a better place. We did all sorts of community service projects-a brat fry to raise money for care packages for soldiers in Iraq, holiday cards for people in nursing homes and bingo, the MS Walk in honor of a teacher at our school, etc.
I'd ask a teacher who you should go to to find out how to start a school club.

Your club could help all students get the info they need to do community service--what volunteer opportunities are available where you live; how to be a good volunteer and sharing your experiences at community service. Your club could be a good resource for other school clubs who wanted to do community service.

I would start with one big event where your group could volunteer as a group--for example: Make A Difference Day. Your club members would participate but also get other students in your school to help out on that date/event.

I'd definitely elect someone to do publicity so your activities would be promoted. That person would stay in contact with your school paper and send press releases to local media on your club's activities.

You could check out the web site

It has lots of ideas for community service for teens.
Kiwanis International is a service club dedicated to helping children worldwide.

The Kiwanis Club has clubs for schools and your local Kiwanians would be willing to come to you and talk to you about how they can help you get up and running. They provide support to teach you the skills and as you grow up there are Kiwanis Clubs for university and clubs for after you finish school.

Heifer Project International is a service club that uses the classic theme of "If you feed a person a fish, they eat for a day, but if you teach the person to fish, they eat for a lifetime".

I have been a past president of the Kiwanis Club and I am a volunteer with Heifer. A volunteer will come to you as well.

Pick something that you will have fun with and see where it takes you.
get started by having more ppl in your school sharing the same interest

once enough ppl, go to the principle and get a petition for forming a club

also make sure that you get a teacher to sponsor =)
If you would like help in forming a community service group, I can help. My name is Kyle Freas and I have my own community service organization in Texas. If you are interested. please contact me at Thanks!

Kyle Freas

Youth Together

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