Sunday, November 29, 2009

My community is being overrun with crime. What can I do to improve it without encountering politics?

This is a weird question. My community has, in the past few years, been facing a massive increase in crime. I would love to make a difference and help curb it but I don't know what to do. I am young and not very sure what I want to do for a living. I have lightly considered becoming a police officer but I have read endless stories and articles about how the politicians of the community are hindering the police department's ability to fight the crime. Due to politics, the police force of the area is taking a big hit at a time when the community needs police protection to be at the forefront of the politicians' minds. The police officers are great in the area and I hold the utmost admiration for all of them (my family has several ties to the department). It just seems that the people in charge are tying too many hands.

Are there any ways short of dressing up in a costume and becoming a vigilante (not literally, of course) to really help my community?

My community is being overrun with crime. What can I do to improve it without encountering politics?pimp myspace

This is too large a problem for one person to grapple.

There must be others who are concerned about this.

Groups and clubs can accomplish much more than a single person.

Are there any locally you can join?

Getting involved with your community is always a great start, putting forward your views and listening to others.

You will probably be amazed how many like-minded people there are. You are not alone.

Good luck.

My community is being overrun with crime. What can I do to improve it without encountering politics?stars myspace

If there are lots of others who feel the way you do, you can organize protest marches and give the local politicians hell. Tell them to 'get out'!!

Make videos portraying the problem and show them on local Community Access TV if you have it. They can be short 30 second PSA types or half hour or full hour programs. It doesn't take slick video production, just an honest look at the situation. Be sure to attach the politicians' names as targets of blame.

These are a couple of ways to influence politicians without lots of money.

Some of your protest signs could read, 'Curb Crime or We Will' with a picture of a handgun on them.
You are not alone.

I guess most communities all over the world are subject to having become accustomed to isolated and organised crimes. This is probably similar to our bodies, the longer we live unchecked, the greater chance of cancer !

. . . back to your quest !

I suggest start with yourself, find out who you really are, your positive and negative features, and potentials, and most important your short term and long term targets.

Once you get organised, your learning becomes intuitive and you can find the best way out. If you become a knowledgeable person, caring, and honest, then automatically you influence others around you. You might never need to form a vigil anti gang - others around you will behave like one !
How about helping the community by preventing the next generation from going into a life of crime? Become a teacher.

DO NOT become a po po! If you are going in to make a difference and fight crime, you'll just be disappointed b/c of the politics. They have the mentality of sticking together regardless of if an innocent citizen has been killed or injured. All those I know that are former cops say they couldn't take it and...these are good people and I could see how they quit the force.
you cannot but politic or run your own gang secretly
Its a slow process but start by becomming involved in the policing organization. Community Policing ar the Police Committee and learn about the organization. Police are controlled by political masters and that's good because otherwise we have a police state.
The best advice I can think of is be involved in the community. Identify the problems and work toward solving them. Start community actions groups for the identified problems. Put the city on notice that these are problems. Get the media and other groups involved in your cause. Create a partnership with the police department. Start a neighborhood watch program. If you think it, you can do it.
join your local block watch group
Your question is the concern of many citizens whose communities are frustrated with crimes.

Since it is the legislature who makes the crimes enforced by police officers (police "react" to crimes; there is no "prevention" on a legislative scale), your best course of action is to start writing to your congressmen and emphasize the need for legislative action to re-write the laws that allow law enforcement officials...specifically, police officers, to take preventive measures in stopping a criminal act before it has occurred.

Now, before you say, "That's ridiculous...police officers are not clairvoyants," let me state that I am referring to potential crimes that have a greater propensity of "probable cause" or "good faith belief." Example: an area in a neighborhood well-known for drug activity, gang-related crimes, etc. Another: victim calls for help because an abuser has been released from jail, has called the victim and made threats to find and harm him/her. Perhaps being given the authority by law to patrol or even surveille this perp may prevent this victim from harm or even death.

Case in point: A violent man is sent to prison for nearly killing his ex-girlfriend during a domestic disturbance. He is released and the victim has appeared before the parole board to protest the defendant's parole. Parole board decides to release the prisoner. In less than a week, the victim answers a knock at her door. Her ex is standing there with his firearm pointed at her and shoots. She is DOA. This happened in FL a few years ago. And this sort of thing is not exclusive to FL, and granted is not the norm, but it does occur.

Had this victim's reports regarding the former prisoner's threats on her life been acted upon by her local police department and Sheriff's Office (via surveillance/investigation), this woman might be alive today.

However, our LEOs are kept busy reacting to crimes, not preventing them, with the exception of crime-prevention programs that are in place by law enforcement agencies themselves and rely on donations to be in place.

You are correct that the people in charge are tying too many hands, but until proactive citizens start writing to their legislators, those hands are still bound by the legislative laws that govern their duties.
send out a press release saying that 4 'would be burglers" or suspected purse snatchers were all killed by your neigborhood

watch in the past 2 weeks.
Get a crime watch going in the community.
Without encountering politics: YOU CAN'T!

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