Sunday, November 29, 2009

Community fish suggestions for a 25 gallon aquarium / fishtank?

I have just bought a 25 gallon aquarium, (its been conditioned etc and is ready for fish). has gravel, plants etc. i have 8 danios in it already (normal danios not big) and a filterand water conditioner etc. i can buy a heater if neccessary.

what community of fish could i put in as a peaceful community of interesting fish.

i would prefer coldwater setup aswers but any are welcome.

please tell me a selection of fish i could putin to create a community tank.

p.s (dont mention any more tetras, barbs or danios as i want bigger fish, maybe an algae eater etc)

thanks nick

Community fish suggestions for a 25 gallon aquarium / fishtank?girl myspace

I love Angel Fish, they can get big and add a lot of charater. Kissing gouramis are neat to watch as they actually kiss. They are semi agressive but I've only had them kill each other. There are a few different gouramis that are worth a look for color.

Get a Corey Cat and a Plecostamus for your bottom dwellers and maybe a red tail shark on the bottom.

An upside down cat or a black knife are very cool but they tend to hide.

These are a few of my favorite non-aggressive fishies.

Community fish suggestions for a 25 gallon aquarium / fishtank?myspace live

Mollies are great, and yes, I know, tetras..... but they are great community fish. If you want cold water unfortunately your algae eaters are out, you need warmth for them as well as tetras and mollies. You should buy a small water heater and then the world is your oyster.

Tetras are not always small, FYI.. .there are glass skirt tetras, buenos aires tetras (my faves) red phantom tetras....they come in brilliant colors. Unfortunately with a tank so small you can't go with too many fish. I hope you find a good blend!
I don't have too much experience with smaller setups, my smallest tank is 75 gallons. But my one bit of advise for you is don't get a pleco (plecostomus), even though you get them small, they will grow very large given the correct amount of room and get up to 24 inches. Sorry I couldn't be more help, just had to give you a warning.

Edit: Charles Adrian C suggested comet goldfish and a Frontosa, don't listen to that, neither one will work alone in a 25 gallon, even a bigger disaster together. Reasons being, comets get big, I'm talking pond big (24 inches), they are a cold water fish though. The frontosa gets to large for a 25 gallon tank also (12 inches full grown), and is a warm water fish. Be careful on the answers you get and make sure before you make a decision to do research on your own of the fish you choose. I'll give you a good link to research the fish you think you want, it is a very good site and should give you all the info you need. My suggestion for you tank to start is danio, tetra, Otocinclus catfish, cory catfish, guppies, swordtails, white clouds. I know you don't want these peticular fish but with your tank sze you are very limited. I don't keep these fish, I keep mainly cichlids, but like I said, you should do your own research and not take peoples word as bible.

Good fish link
algae eater, plecos, mollys, guppys, swordtails, neon tetras, platys, and almost anything that can stand a ___ gallon
You can have any kind of goldfish because it is a coldwater fish. You can also have a Mono but I doubt you have that kind of fish at your fish store. You also can have some Angelfish if you like.

Alternative Fish Selections:

Dwarf Gouramis( My fish tank has the temperature extremes, sometimes 20 degrees celsius, sometimes 30 above degrees celsius. I have 3 of these.)

Some comet goldfish( These go good in very heavily dirty water.)

And a Frontosa would do.
check out for a better selection of fish that require a minimum 20-gallon tank. You can keep up to 15 fish in a 20-gallon tank alone.

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